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Seminario “Manual Performance Testing and Automatic Performance Tuning”

Inserito il 21-Apr-2021 alle 05:09 da Admin

Giovedì 22 aprile dalle ore 14:00 alle ore 16:00 si terrà nell’ambito del corso di Performance Modeling Of Computer Systems and Networks, il seminario dal titolo “Manual Performance Testing and Automatic Performance Tuning”, tenuto da Stefano Cereda e Giovanni Paolo Gibilisco dell’azienda Moviri.

L’evento è aperto a tutti, per maggiori informazioni contattare la prof.ssa Vittoria De Nitto Personé.

Di seguito l’abstract.

Manual Performance Testing and Automatic Performance Tuning

Maximising the performance of IT systems is critical to reduce hardware and software costs. Each change to the system has to be thoroughly validated to avoid disrupting the performance.
However, traditional performance testing is a tedious process that involves several manual steps such as running experiments, collecting measurements and creating stochastic models that allow to make predictions about the performance of a system. Modern IT systems are becoming more complex, to the point where, when performance problems arise, traditional modelling gives no helpful insight to the human expert.
On the other hand, automatic performance tuning automates the entire performance testing process and replaces the human with machine learning models that can quickly and reliably improve performance.

In this talk, we start by covering traditional performance testing techniques and apply them to the MongoDB DBMS, showing how they can be used to make accurate predictions about actual data. Then, we show how a quick reconfiguration of the Operating System considerably improves performance. Finally, we show how machine learning can automatically handle the reconfiguration process.

(A fundamental familiarity with Queuing theory (Little’s law) is required to follow the first section, but no ML-related knowledge is required.)